Game Gear Hunting Dog First Aid TOP UP KIT
Great to replace any items you have used from your first aid kit. The products in our Game Gear first aid kit will allow you to clean and seal off a wound – the addition of Celox allows you to slow excessive bleeding when in a crisis situation.
This comes packed into a plastic bag. Please check out our full .
TOP UP KIT contains:
- 2 x Iodine Prep Pad
- 2 x Alcohol Prep Pad
- 1 x Self Adhesive Bandage
- 1 x PVC tape
- 1 x 2gm Celox
- 1 x Gauze
- 1 x Wound Dressing
- 2 x 15ml Saline solution
and Top Up Kit to take on your hunting trips.
Please note NO RESPONSIBILITY IS TAKEN for the in-correct use of these products. This first aid kit is designed for cuts and wounds received by your hunting dogs where Professional Veterinary assistance is not immediately available* THE HEALTH AND WELL BEING OF YOUR HUNTING DOGS IS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY AND WE RECOMMEND YOU ALWAYS CONSULT A VET AT THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY